Autonomy, bonding or relatedness and competence. Those three universal basic psychological needs are essential to your psychological well-being. Together, they are the ABC of Psychology. Through this anonymous self-test, you get feedback on your Psychology of ABC. The test includes 24 questions about your ABC. You can assign a score from "totally disagree" to "totally agree" to indicate the extent to which you have experienced a particular feeling in the past three months. There are no right or wrong answers, choose the answer that is most applicable to your situation. Based on your answers, you will receive brief feedback with advice on your ABC. Participation is anonymous, so there is no need to register. By starting the test, you agree to the general conditions.

Learn more about the ABC test and its general conditions.

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Are you a student?
What is your profile?
I am following a
What is your gender?
I follow psychological counseling for emotional problems?
General conditions